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Political Instabiliy in Israel Aside Fears of Turkish Occupation

The recent political events is Israel, aside the waer with Turey, are puting the country in danger . Hard allegations are heard as the elected presient was impeached by congress less than two days after being elected.


During the last week, Israel's political stability has been undermined, as a result of a faild attempt to replace the goverment. The last governmentof Israel was pertty successfull,and managed to release Israel from the Turkish occupation (That the same government caused to). It must be said the president of this goverment, ishaeyav, took akmost all the positions to himself, and acted as one-man-cabinet. But the president decided not to run for presidency in Apri elections. The leading candidates to repclace him were 00osher00 and his deputy shahar richter. But, two days before the election 00osher00 left the presidential race and shahar richter took his place. He won the elctions with a majority of 41 votes out of 59.

Two days later, a bill to impeach the elected presidnet was accepted in the Israeli congress, and a new president was elected- daniel200697. Why? Reliable source says that ishaeyve may officially left his position as the president, but he wishes to keep confidentaky the fact that he still runs the country. The sources said the ishaeyav appointed daniel200697 because he donated the treature 400 GOLD. The source said that shahar richter was impeched because he refused to be a puppet president and realy wanted to chage.

Ishaeyav has the power to decide who will become presient and who will be impeached by the MU Vandals. The Vandals is not only MU but also a party. They're only the third largest party in Israel, but yet, the hold the biggest number of seats in congress- 7. Ishaeyav has brough the Vandals to Israel from Slovakia, and they remained loyal to him.


How even if these things are ture ishaeyav and daniel200697 still has many disputes, and on Saturday he (ishaeyav) criticized the conduct of Daniel in an interview to our reporter cr7king: "I'm the one who realy manage staff, but if Daniel needs you, then he comes immedietaly".

Many citizens are worried about the progression of ishaeyav, but they also condemn shahar richter. "It wasn't okay that Shahar didn't logined a few days, but ishayav dimissed him in less than 24 hours", says raz8765, a congressman and the leader of "New Israel" pary, "I think that the political situation in Israel is vey bd, and this case is an excellent example. You can easily see how ishaeyav took over the congress with the Vandals. It was not the people who elected the congress but ishaeyav", he keeps critisizing, "Like Taiwan PTOed Egypt, ishaeyav PTOed Israel with the Vandals. Althrough he is not the president he's the one who runs the Org and when he wants to he will get prsidency back. I don't see this situation changes until he decides to quit. I think it's legitimate to brign foreign MUs to the country, as long they don't create a party and be in cingress". Another citizen, who asked too stay annonimus said: "ishaeyav is a dictator, but everyone are affraid to say that", he explained: "If he won't be elected, he can just start a civil war, and he will revenge those who condemned him".

Another concern in Israel is not about interior affairs- in the last day Turkey managed to conquer two region of Israel, including the Coastal Plain that contain high-iron. About the war said ishaeyav: "As you saw, when we began attacking Turkey the whole protected it. and there were some nice overkills. We will do anything to survive and won't pay a single Shekel (the Israeli currency) to the Turkish". Despite this statement, Israel has already two territories to Turkey, and barely saved Jerusalem.

The curרent Israeli president, daniel200697, gave our reporter a short interview about the wr with Turkey. The interview was held before Turkey managed to conquer the Costal Plain.


Do you think that Israel can pass the war with Turkey? Without even talking about your attempt to conquer it at the begining of the war.

Daniel: We are much stroger than we were a few months ago and we fight as hard as we can. Like every war there are some losses but we won't be unde a Turlish occupation again. Even in previous wars were occupied areas but also then we released them.

Is a Non-Agression Pact (NAP) with Turkey possible?

Daniel: There is no agreement in sight.

Nazareth is already occupied and the Costal Plain is on the way, if the country will be conquered will you resign the presidency?

Daniel: First of all, it already happened that Turkey conquered Nazareth and was about to conquer the Costal Plain but without success. Right now assemble the entire war effort in the coastal plain and we won't ler Turkey to fullt occupy us. We've already invested more than 1000 GOLD in the battle and we will keep like this all the way to victory.

If you fail, will you resign the presidency?

Daniel: I'm the president because of one single reason- Right now I give 1,000% of myself, more than anybody elese, therefore also if I fail I'll know I've done the best and keep doing my best.

Israel opposes signing an agreement woth Turkey, but it may be the best option facing her. Turkey is twise as stronger as Israel and has 100 more citizens. Also, Turkey enjoys the support of its alliance, Egoists, but NRD, Israel's alliance, is busy in many wars around the world.

Writer: Asaf12

Reporter: cr7 king

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